Build a Tractor Contest - Kids can design and build a tractor using whatever materials they can find around the house like cardboard boxes, bottle caps, popsicle sticks or anything else! Tractor photos cab be submitted by May 21 for a chance to win a prize from Illinois Ag in the Classroom!

Start Building!
McLean AITC Delivers Hands-On Learning: Ag in a Bag(s)

Each Ag in a Bag has an Ag Mag, a handout/worksheet, supplies for 1-2 hands-on STEM activities plus links to much more! 

Tractor Ag in a Bag
Tractors help farmers do lots of different kinds of work on the farm. Build your…

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Pollinator Ag in a Bag
From bees to birds and butterflies, find out about pollinators with our Pollinator Ag in…

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Pizza Ag in A Bag
Find out where your favorite pizza ingredients come from & learn about fractions with these…

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Dairy Ag in a Bag
Discover all things dairy from moo to you! Learn about dairy cows and all of…

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Save the Dates

Due to limitations on group sizes and in-person gatherings, McLean County Ag in the Classroom will not be able to offer our usual Summer Teacher's workshop. Illinois AITC will be offering some virtual training sessions in June & July - more details to come!

National Ag in the Classroom virtual workshops will be held June 24-25. 

McLean County Ag in the Classroom
2242 Westgate Drive Bloomington, IL 61705
Copyright McLean County Fair 2018
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