Latest Past Events

Embryology Teacher Workshop

McLean County Extension Office 1615 Commerce Parkway, Bloomington

Chick it Out is BACK for Spring 2021! Hatch chicks in your classroom with free embryology curriculum & resources provided by University of IL Extension STEAM in the Classroom. Learn more about Chick It Out & register here. Registration deadline is March 19. Teachers can earn 2 hours of professional development credit at the Embryology Teacher Workshop March 30th from

Chick It Out Registration Deadline

Chick It Out! University of IL Extension offers a great hands-on learning opportunity for McLean County, IL students with the Chick It Out Spring 2021 Hatch! Teachers can register to receive 1 dozen fertilized chicken eggs from the U of IL campus,  research-based embryology curriculum & all the supplies needed for a successful learning experience. Incubators, egg turners, candlers and