Virtual Teacher Training: Livestock

Cows & pigs & poultry – oh my! Join Illinois Ag in the Classroom for two one hour virtual session focused on Livestock. Sessions are at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 22 and Tuesday, June 29.

Those who attend the first session and fill out a reflection will be mailed a box of goodies for the “interactive” session on June 29. Limited to the first 50 who submit a reflection.

Register here.

Dairy Ag in a Bag

Discover all things dairy from moo to you! Learn about dairy cows and all of the foods they provide including milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Find more dairy details here.

Each Ag in a Bag includes:

  • An Ag Mag
  • Handouts/worksheets
  • Supplies for 1-2 hands-on STEM activities
  • Links to videos & more!

Ag in a Bags are provided for free to schools in McLean County, Illinois. To request the Dairy Ag in a Bag, please e-mail us.

Farm Fresh Podcast: Mackinson Dairy Farm

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Did you know it only takes about 48 hours for milk to go from the farm to the grocery store? Now that’s Farm Fresh!

Find out more from Mary Mackinson Faber, a fifth generation family dairy farmer. Listen to our Farm Fresh Podcast to hear about cow care and how Mackinson Dairy Farm is using social media to share their story.

Hear the Farm to Table segment every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. on WJBC Radio.

Farm Fresh Answers Podcast
Farm Fresh Answers Podcast
Farm Fresh Podcast: Mackinson Dairy Farm



Farm Fresh Podcast: Mackinson Dairy Farm

danza  i

Did you know it only takes about 48 hours for milk to go from the farm to the grocery store? Now that’s Farm Fresh!

Find out more from Mary Mackinson Faber, a fifth generation family dairy farmer. Listen to our Farm Fresh Podcast to hear about cow care and how Mackinson Dairy Farm is using social media to share their story.

Hear the Farm to Table segment every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. on WJBC Radio.

Audio Player

Farm Fresh Podcast: Caring for Cattle in the Cold

As the temperature drops, farmers work to keep their animals comfortable in the cold. Local farmer, Matt Witte, shares how he cares for cattle during the winter months.

Keeping cattle in good physical condition with high protein feed and plenty of water is an important part of keeping them warm.

Tune in to WJBC radio or stream it live online every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the Farm to Table segment.

Audio Player

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