Farm Fresh Podcast: Farm Hats


Farmers can literally and figuratively wear a lot of different hats in a day. About a year ago, the thought inspired Livingston County farmer, Kent Blunier, to create Facebook group called “Farm Hats.

The idea took root and quickly grew to include farmers from around the world who post “felfies” or farmer-selfies about their day to day activities and what ‘hat’ they might be wearing.

Get the story from the farmer who got the ball rolling in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast. Plus listen every Wednesday at 12:45 for the Farm to Table segment onWJBC Radio. Plus make sure you check out the Farm Hats group on Facebook!

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Farm Fresh Podcast: Weed & Pest Control


Weed free fields are more than just for looks. Unwanted plants compete with the crop for sunlight, soil and water.

Check out some of the tools and strategies farmers use to control weeds in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast with farmer Gerald Thompson.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for Farm to Table on WJBC Radio.


Farm Fresh Answers Podcast
Farm Fresh Answers Podcast
Farm Fresh Podcast: Weed & Pest Control

Farm Fresh Podcast: Experiencing Ag Around the World

From specialty crop farms and a tofu production plant in Japan to the Panama Canal, local farmer David Mool shares his international experience with the Illinois Ag Leadership Program in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast.

Listen for the Farm to Table segment every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. on WJBC radio.

To see photos and more details from the trip, click here.

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Farm Fresh Podcast: Talking Turkey

Did you know it takes about 19 – 20 weeks to raise a turkey to market weight?

Turkeys traditionally take center stage at Thanksgiving, so this week we’re talking turkey farming with fifth generation farmer, Jason Yordy for the Farm to Table segment episode 11.25.15.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. to hear Farm to Table segment on WJBC radio and to learn more about turkeys, click here.

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