Corn: Feed, Food, Fuel & More

Corn is McLean County & Illinois’ top crop – but where does it all go? Find out with these learning activities!

Corn Ag in a Bag

McLean County (IL) teachers can request FREE Corn ag mags and activity kits for their classroom: Click here

Corn Ag-tivities & Online Reading Materials

Corn Recipes

Books to Read – set up a FREE account on to read these online books for FREE! Or contact us to check out books from our AITC library!

Corn Videos

Farm Fresh Podcast: Bring on the Beef

Quality beef starts on the farm with quality care and feed. In this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast, local farmer, Rick Dean, talks about the two new beef barns his family recently constructed to expand their cattle operation.

From keeping the animals comfortable to managing the manure for use as fertilizer, listen to the clip to hear the whole story about how the Dean family raises beef cattle.

Tune in to WJBC radio or stream it live online every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the Farm to Table segment.

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