For the Love for Agriculture

From Chocolate to Flowers, check out these Valentine’s Day connections to agriculture!




Virtual Teacher Training: Specialty Crops

Fruits, veggies, herbs & flowers – Illinois grows lots of specialty crops.

Join Illinois Ag in the Classroom for two one hour virtual session focused on specialty crops. The FREE sessions are at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, July 20 and Tuesday, July 27.

Those who attend the first session and fill out a reflection will be mailed a box of goodies for the “interactive” session on July 27. Limited to the first 50 who submit a reflection.

Register here.


From birds to bees and butterflies explore the importance of pollinators!

Pollinator Ag in a Bag

McLean County (IL) teachers can request FREE ag mags and activity kits for their classroom: Click here

Reading Materials & Ag-tivities:

Books to Read – set up a FREE account on to read these online books for FREE!

Pollinator Games

Pollinator Videos:



Farm Fresh Podcast: Mum’s the Word at Triple M Farm

Greg & Mariah Anderson grow mums & fresh produce at Triple M Farm near Clinton in DeWitt County. The triple m's stand for Mariah's Mums & More.

Greg & Mariah Anderson grow mums & fresh produce at Triple M Farm near Clinton in DeWitt County. The triple m’s stand for Mariah’s Mums & More.

Greg and Mariah Anderson planted the seeds for their business with 300 mums in 2009. Today, Triple M Farm has grown and blossomed into a much bigger venture marketing 10,000 mums annually plus fresh produce, bedding plants and more.

Hear about their farm’s story and what it takes to grow fresh produce in central Illinois from Greg in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast.

Listen every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the Farm to Table segment on WJBC Radio.

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