In honor of Veteran’s Day, our Farm to Table segment takes a look at Homegrown by Heroes, a product label for food and farm products grown or raised by past or present members of any branch of the military.
As a Korean war veteran, Ray Ropp, with Ropp Jersey Cheese recently applied to use the Homegrown by Heroes label for the cheese, meat and other products made or raised on his family’s farm near Normal, IL.
Check out the story from this week’s Farm to Table segment episode 11.11.15. Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 to hear to the Farm to Table segment onWJBC radio.
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When it comes to food labeling, it seems like there’s a war of words happening…and it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with safety or nutrition.
Here’s a few nuggets on labeling from this week’s news:
- Would Almond “Milk” by any other name still taste as sweet? A class action lawsuit in California may determine the fate of the name for this dairy alternative, as reported by The Sacramento Bee.
- For the skinny on a second milk tale fresh from Florida, check out this story about whether skim milk without added vitamins can be labeled “milk” from the Washington Post.
- If a blueberry can’t be grown from a GMO (genetically modified organism) seed why label it GMO free? This story from the Wall Street Journal looks at why some farmers and food companies are paying the price for labels even when their product isn’t one of the eight crops with commercially available GMO seeds currently on the market.
- For another look at the marketing motivation for GMO food labels, check out this story from NPR’s The Salt about the “health halo” driving some companies to label.
- And when it comes to gluten free food labels, check out this perspective about how the gluten free fad may negatively affect those with celiac’s disease who truly need to eat gluten free, also from the Wall Street Journal.
For more on food labeling and answers from experts, check out
When you shop what do you look for on the food label?