Farm Fresh Podcast: Organic Opinions

For buyers opting for organic foods, do perceptions about the products match reality? Brenna Ellison, a University of Illinois Food Economist and Researcher decided to take closer look at how the organic label affects what people think of the taste, nutrition and safety of food products.

The study used an online survey to compare how an organic label affects perceptions of strawberries – a “virtue” product (food perceived as healthy) and chocolate sandwich cookies – a “vice” product (not as healthy/junk food) at two retailers.

Find out how organic opinions stack up in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast. Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. to hear the Farm to Table segment on WJBC Radio.

To read more about the research, click here.

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Farm Fresh Podcast: A Closer Look at Labeling

To mandate labeling or not to mandate labeling? that is the current question about foods made with ingredients containing ‘GMOs’ or Genetically Modified Organisms.

Take a deeper look at the issue with Tamara Nelsen, Senior Director of Commodities for Illinois Farm Bureau in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast.

For more about GMOs check out our Pinterest Board.

Listen to the Farm to Table segment every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. on WJBC Radio.

Farm Fresh Answers Podcast
Farm Fresh Answers Podcast
Farm Fresh Podcast: A Closer Look at Labeling

Farm Fresh Podcast: Raw Milk

Illinois food safety regulations now allow dairy farms to sell raw milk, but consumers should be aware of the risks.

Get the whole story in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast from Jim Fraley, Livestock Program Director for Illinois Farm Bureau.

Raw milk does not go through pasteurization – the process of heating the milk to kill bacteria or pathogens.

For more on raw milk & food safety, check out these posts from Food Insight, Midwest Dairy Association & Ask the Farmers.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the Farm to Table segment on WJBC Radio.

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The Friday Five: A Better Look at Beef

2013 soybeans, landscape

Did you know that yesterday (Aug. 27) was #NationalBurgerDay? Thank you, social media for the heads up.

Coincidentally, there’s also a headline grabbing story floating around this week about the safety of ground beef. Let’s take a better look:

  1. From Food Insights, here’s a few facts and myths to explore about the safety of ground beef. Bottom line: bacteria doesn’t care where your beef came from – wash your hands & cook it to the right temperature (160 degrees)!
  2. For another perspective, check out this article from High Plains Journal. The good news: almost all of the bacteria found in the “study” was not the kind that cause serious foodbourne illnesses
  3. Reading past the headlines is important, especially when it comes to blurbs about scientific studies, as pointed out in this LA Times article.
  4. And here’s an article from Business Insider that looks at some potential problems with the ground beef safety “study”.
  5. For some tips on ways to safely store, handle, thaw & cook beef check here.

What’s your favorite way to eat a hamburger?