Farm Fresh Podcast: Look Beyond the Label

 From “gluten-free” to “natural,” take a look beyond the labels to the farm level with Dr. Jennifer Barnes, Assistant Professor of Nutrition at Illinois Sate University.

Barnes participated in Ag Day Friday, October 21 as part of the the Leadership McLean County program and shares her experience on in our Farm Fresh Podcast.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the “Farm to Table” segment on WJBC Radio.

Farm Fresh Podcast: ‘Backstage Pass’ to Farming

Not much wiggle room! A barge moving through the lock at Peoria Lock & Dam on the Illinois River. Photo by: Cat Woods

Not much wiggle room! A barge moving through the lock at Peoria Lock & Dam on the Illinois River. Photo by: Cat Woods

The Ag Exchange program, sponsored by the McLean County Chamber of Commerce offers participants a ‘backstage pass’ to see agriculture up close and personally meet local farmers.

Take a look behind the scenes with Ag Exchange members Krishna Balakrishnan & Cat Woods, guests on  WJBC’s Farm to Table segment Episode 10.28.15.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the “Farm to Table” segment on WJBC Radio.

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Farm Fresh Podcast: Immersed in Ag for a Day


A group of about 33 area business leaders spent a day immersed in agriculture Friday, October 16 as part of the Leadership McLean County program.

Hear what participants  Ryan Thomas & Pete McCann thought about the experience on WJBC’s Farm to Table segment Episode 10.21.15.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the “Farm to Table” segment onWJBC Radio.

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