Farm Fresh Podcast: Fertilizer Feeds Plants

White "nurse tanks" are used to apply a form of nitrogen fertilizer called anhydrous ammonia to fields. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plants and anhydrous ammonia has the highest nitrogen content of any commercial fertilizer. Photo courtesy of Illinois Farm Bureau.

White “nurse tanks” are used to apply a form of nitrogen fertilizer called anhydrous ammonia to fields. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plants and anhydrous ammonia has the highest nitrogen content of any commercial fertilizer. Photo courtesy of Illinois Farm Bureau.

Ever wondered what’s in those white tanks you see out in farm fields during spring or fall? It’s a fertilizer – called anhydrous ammonia – that provides an essential nutrient to plants. Find out more in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast with local farmer Fred Grieder.

Grieder also serves as president of the McLean County Farm Bureau and shares a few thoughts on the Illinois state budget impasse.

Listen for the Farm to Table segment every Wednesday at 12:45 on WJBC Radio.

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Farm Fresh Podcast: Double Time

Jason Lay is exploring the use of cover crops on his farm in central Illinois. The green tops of tillage radishes are just starting to show in between rows of soybeans in the early fall.

Jason Lay is exploring the use of cover crops on his farm in central Illinois. The green tops of tillage radishes are just starting to show in between rows of soybeans in the early fall.

Harvest went by quickly on the Lay farm this year. In fact, the crops were out in about half the time compared to a typical year thanks to suitable crop conditions, good weather and cooperative machinery.

Hear how the corn and soybean yields turned out with Jason Lay plus check out one way farmers are working to farm smarter by exploring the use of cover cropsin this week’s Farm Fresh podcast, episode 11.18.15.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 to hear the Farm to Table segment on WJBC radio.

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