IL AITC Virtual Teacher Training

Check out all that Illinois Ag in the Classroom has to offer with this line-up of virtual teacher training sessions!
McLean County teachers who complete at least one workshop will receive a FREE book & materials to implement the lessons in their classroom!!
All sessions are FREE and will be conducted via Zoom. Sessions will also be recorded & can be viewed on your own schedule.
Tuesdays from 9:00-10:00 AM
- June 2: View From the Cab: An Overview of Illinois Ag in the Classroom
- June 9: Legen-dairy Lessons about Milk and Moo-re
- June 16: STEM and Leaves: Innovative STEM Lessons with an Ag Connection
- June 24: Scrambled States of America: Ag-Themed Books for Every State (in conjunction with the National Ag in the Classroom Virtual Summit)
- June 30: The 3-Legged Stool: Finding Classroom Connections with Ag Sustainability
- July 7: Plowing Through Our Past: A Look at the History of Ag in Illinois
- July 14: Don’t Be a Bad Apple: Tasty Apple-Themed Lessons That Pack a Crunch
- July 21: Give ‘Em Pumpkin to Talk About: Engaging Pumpkin-Themed Texts and Lessons
Special 5-hour Mini-Conference:
- July 30: The Cultures of Agriculture: Exploring the Diversities of Food and Farming (9:00-noon and 1:00-3:00 with help from Illinois Commodity Groups)