Farm Fresh Podcast: Spring Road Postings

A heavy load on a country road when the ground is soft and mushy is a recipe for road damage. Protecting the pavement on rural routes  means posting lower weight limits when the road is most vulnerable – during the freezing and thawing of early spring.

Learn more about spring weight postings and what they mean for local farmers from Arin Rader, who is a farmer and the Dry Grove Township Road Commissioner in this week’s Farm Fresh Podcast.

Check out the Farm to Table segment on WJBC radio every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m.

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Farm Fresh Podcast: ‘Backstage Pass’ to Farming

Not much wiggle room! A barge moving through the lock at Peoria Lock & Dam on the Illinois River. Photo by: Cat Woods

Not much wiggle room! A barge moving through the lock at Peoria Lock & Dam on the Illinois River. Photo by: Cat Woods

The Ag Exchange program, sponsored by the McLean County Chamber of Commerce offers participants a ‘backstage pass’ to see agriculture up close and personally meet local farmers.

Take a look behind the scenes with Ag Exchange members Krishna Balakrishnan & Cat Woods, guests on  WJBC’s Farm to Table segment Episode 10.28.15.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the “Farm to Table” segment on WJBC Radio.

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Farm Fresh Podcast: ‘Backstage Pass’ to Farming

Illinois River barge, lock & dam

The Ag Exchange program, sponsored by the McLean County Chamber of Commerce offers participants a ‘backstage pass’ to see agriculture up close and personally meet local farmers.

Take a look behind the scenes with Ag Exchange members Krishna Balakrishnan & Cat Woods, guests on  WJBC’s Farm to Table segment Episode 10.28.15.

Tune in every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. for the “Farm to Table” segment on WJBC Radio.

Farm Fresh Answers Podcast
Farm Fresh Answers Podcast
Farm Fresh Podcast: 'Backstage Pass' to Farming