Can’t Take the Farm Out of the Girl

If you would have told me my senior year of high school I would be farming with my dad six years later, I would have laughed at you and told you not a chance. At that time, I thought I wanted to be some big wig executive in the Chicago area.
I went for that dream and upon graduating the University of Illinois with a degree in Finance and a concentration in Real estate moved to Arlington Heights to become a Commercial Real Estate Credit Analyst for a bank up there. Let’s just say you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl and I moved back to Central Illinois in a year.
It was a very difficult year for me and it didn’t take me long to realize it was the farm I was missing and nothing else. I was blessed to obtain a position at a bank in Bloomington, Ill. after returning home.
At that point I realized farming was in my blood and I was right where I wanted to be. Dad and I have been working together ever since. Weekends are spent side by side with my father and typically you will find me under a piece of machinery covered in dirt, oil and/or grease. Both he and I, the 5th and 6th generations of our family farm, work full time jobs in addition to our grain farm operation.
Some say farming isn’t a girl’s world, but for me it is and I know several other farm girls ready to prove those words wrong. I wouldn’t trade my life for anything and I am beyond blessed to be a farm girl from Central Illinois.
Check out photos from Harvest 2015 on the Huffman Farm.
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